AluMNI Benefits

There are many perks to being a Laker for life. Roosevelt alumni have access to benefits, including tuition discounts, career support, campus library access, insurance discounts and more. 

Lifelong Laker Scholarship

Roosevelt's new Alumni Scholarship Program (Lifelong Lakers Scholarship) complements our ongoing efforts to increase access and to remove barriers in higher education. This program provides alumni a 15% tuition discount towards select master's degrees, and is available to both part-time and full-time students entering during the 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic years. 

Explore the Lifelong Laker Scholarship

Career Support

As your career evolves, we are here to support you. Alumni have access to services from the Career Development office, such as counseling, resume critiquing, interview preparation and Handshake, our job database.

Course Auditing 

Many undergraduate classes are available to alumni at a greatly reduced cost. Alumni may begin to register for a course 30 days prior to the first date of the term (subject to space availability) as defined in the academic calendar. You will not receive credit, but will earn a grade of AU (Audit) for this course. Grades of AU may not be subsequently changed to any other grade. Simply complete the application form. Payment for the course can be made online.

Transcript and Duplicate Diploma Requests

Access the online transcript ordering service or contact the Registrar's Office at (312) 341-3535 or If you are an RMU graduate please include that in your request notes.

Duplicate Diplomas can be requested here and filled out forms need to be sent to Payment instructions are described on the form as well.

Insurance Program

Enjoy special savings on your Auto & Home Insurance from Liberty Mutual Insurance and several discounted health, life and travel insurance plans.

Alumni Network

A network of 130,000 alumni is right at your fingertips through the alumni directory, which can help you find and reconnect with alumni. Join the LinkedIn alumni community as another avenue to connect with other graduates.

Library Privileges

We use the building policy as our guiding policy for permission to visit the library. There is a line in this policy that states, “A student or Employee who receives an authorized visitor shall accompany that guest at all times during their visit.” Based on this policy, we ask that any visitor, alums included, who wants to visit the library must get approval by emailing for an appointment. Review policies here:

RU Spirit Gear

Grab your alumni spirit gear at the RU Bookstore and receive a 10% discount (textbooks not included).

Lifetime Email

Your Roosevelt alumni email has lifetime access but if you don’t log in for a while you may need to reactivate it. IT Help Desk may be able to reset any passcodes or reactivate accounts. If this doesn’t help, please contact the Service Desk (312-341-4357) directly for assistance. If you are a Robert Morris alumni, please follow these separate instructions to request an email account

Dell Member Purchase Program

Providing exclusive discounts on personal purchases on select displays, electronics and accessories. Visit for member discounts:

Auditorium Theatre Discounts

Receive discounts on select performances at the historic Auditorium Theatre. Alumni can use code RUALUMNI for $10 off the following shows. Valid in price levels 1-4, not available on previously purchased tickets.  

2023-24 Season Discounts to be announced soon.